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Title: Efficient Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions Using a Bionanocomposite of Eggshell/Ag-Fe
Keywords: eggshell;silver-iron nanoparticles;adsorption;heavy metals removal;info:eu-repo/classification/cti/1
Publisher: catalysts
Project: 10.3390/catal10070727 
Description: Abstract: Eggshell and an easily synthesized bionanocomposite of eggshell with Ag-Fe nanoparticles demonstrated to be efficient adsorbent materials for the removal of lead, arsenic, and mercury from water. The natural material and the bionanocomposite were characterized by TEM and XRD. Ag-Fe nanoparticles vary from 1 to 100 nm in size. Equilibrium times of the adsorption systems were achieved between 4 and 8 h. The experimental adsorption data fitted the pseudo-second and Elovich models; therefore, the adsorption of heavy metals ions took place mainly by a chemical process. The adsorption capacity of eggshell in mg/g was 7.01 for As5+, 3.90 for Pb2+, and 1.51 for Hg2+, while the nanocomposite adsorption capacity was 17.7 for As5+, 27.8 for Pb2+ and 15.88 for Hg2+.
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Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:Producción

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