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Title: The Impact of Key Ideas on Automatic Deception Detection in Text
Keywords: Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural;Lingüística Computacional;info:eu-repo/classification/cti/7
Publisher: Computación y Sistemas
Description: In recent years, with the rise of the Internet, the automatic deception detection in text is an important task to recognize those of documents that try to make people believe in something false. Current studies in this field assume that the entire document contains cues to identify deception; however, as demonstrated in this work, some irrelevant ideas in text could affect the performance of the classification. Therefore, this research proposes an approach for deception detection in text that identifies, in the first instance, key ideas in a document based on a topic modeling algorithm and a proposed automatic extractive text summarization method, to produce a synthesized document that avoids secondary ideas. The experimental results of this study indicate that the proposed method outperform previous methods with standard collections.
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Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:Producción

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