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Title: Nutritional value of forage species from the Central Highlands Region of Mexico at different stages of maturity
Keywords: Agrociencias;Native pastures;Fermentation parameters;Gas release kinetic;info:eu-repo/classification/cti/6
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Description: This paper has two objectives, the first is to determine the chemical composition, gas production parameters and the gas release kinetics, at different stages of maturity, of three grasses and a legume commonly found in long established pastures in Mexico central highland plateau. The second is to combine the gas release kinetics analysis and the GP fitted to a mathematical model in order to improve the biological understanding of the fermentation kinetics obtained from the GP technique. Representative samples of Pennisetum clandestinum (kikuyu grass), Sporobolus indicus (mouse tail), Eleocharis dombeyana (reed), Trifolium amabile (Aztec clover) plus a composite sample were collected in the growing season (July, September and November 2003) and analysed using an in vitro gas production (GP) technique. The accumulated GP was fitted to the model described in PALMER et al. (2005). Significant differences (P<0.001) were observed among species and periods for chemical composition, organic matter and neutral detergent fibre digestibility. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed regarding fermentation parameters and gas release kinetic, with T. amabile and P. clandestinum being the species with the highest fermentability, whereas S. indicus and E. dombeyana were poorly fermented. P. clandestinum and T. amabile showed higher nutritive value than S. indicus and E. dombeyana. Composite samples were influenced by the chemical and fermentation characteristics of all species. It was concluded that the use of gas release kinetics analysis was useful for differentiating the fermentation kinetic of the soluble and insoluble fraction in the grasses and legume. Therefore by performing both approaches, the gas release kinetics analysis and the GP fitted to a mathematical model, gave a better description of the fermentation kinetic of grasses and the legume was achieved when only one approach had been used.
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Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/Ciência Rural
Appears in Collections:Producción

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