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Title: Functional first order definability of LRTp
Keywords: Ingeniería;Exact real-number computation;Sequential Computation;PCF;Semantics of programming lan- guages;info:eu-repo/classification/cti/7
Publisher: Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial
Description: The language LRTp is a non-deterministic language for exact real number computation. It has been shown that all computable rst order relations in the sense of Brattka are denable in the language. If we restrict the language to single-valued total relations (e.g. functions), all polynomials are denable in the language. This paper is an expanded version of [12] in which we show that the non-deterministic version of the limit operator, which allows to dene all computable rst order relations, when restricted to single-valued total inputs, produces single-valued total outputs. This implies that not only the polynomials are denable in the language but also allcomputable rst order functions.
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Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:Producción

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