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Title: Indicadores economicos para el analsis de la sustentabilidad urbana en el municipio de TEXCOCO, ESTADO de Mexico, periodo 2005-2012
Keywords: indicadores, sustentabilidad, texcoco, economicos y urbano;info:eu-repo/classification/cti/5
Publisher: UAEM
Project: AÑO 7 NUMERO 2;
Description: The indicators locally generated for the municipality of Texcoco in the State of Mexico intend to describe, quantify and qualify indispensable economic elements for the analysis and study of the best local urban planning, and provide information about the territory being studied. The indicators also provide information on urban conditions and the economic dimension aimed at urban sustainability; this represents building useful tools that reveal the importance of the local and its impact on the regional and the most important metropolitan area of Mexico. These variables indicate economic processes at the urban dimension and complete the urban sustainability study with the environmental and social aspects in a given of time. Key words: Indicators, Sustainability, Economical and urban Texcoco City.
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Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:Producción

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