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Title: Characterization of the authority exercised by nurse-managers in health institutions in Mexico and Portugal
Keywords: Health institutions;Hospital directors;Nursing;Management;info:eu-repo/classification/cti/5
Publisher: Cogitare Enferm
Project: No.;3
Description: The authority that nurses exercise in managerial administration and in continuing education has a major impact on their work nowadays. The commitment and motivation are factors which make up the main characteristic of the practice of nursing. In this context, the level of authority is significantly related to the academic skills that the managers have acquired over the course of their professional development, as well as those arising from their trajectory, depending on their professional history in the area of management in general and of authority in particular. Authority, as such, is closely associated with the power to obtain changes, to inspire behaviors which make it possible to interact collectively, to favor growth and the development of the discipline. In this regard, the subject’s individuality may appear to be a characteristic of the managerial function(1). During her professional work, this becomes a platform for the managerial practice, which makes it possible for the nurse to undertake activities related to the managerial function in health institutions. There are, however, environments which allow activities which may be represented symbolically, as is the case in Portugal, where this is mainly undertaken by men – in contrast with what happens in Mexico, where it is commonly exclusively undertaken by women. Allied with this representation, there is the fact that Nursing worldwide is practiced by a higher percentage of women, a reason for which, in this article, the types of authority described by the professionals from both countries differ.
RESUMO: Foram objetivos do estudo analisar o significado da autoridade exercida pela enfermeira gerente em instituições de saúde e comparar o tipo de autoridade de dirigentes de enfermagem no México e em Portugal. Pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e comparativa, da qual participaram 24 gerentes de enfermagem. O instrumento utilizado foi o de roteiro de entrevista, com base nas dimensões: significado e tipo de autoridade.Discutiu-se o significado de autoridade de acordo com a teoria do interacionismo simbólico. Os resultados possibilitaram refletir sobre o significado de autoridade, revelando-se que, para as gerentes mexicanas, é um valor moral do gestor e, para os portugueses, uma competência inerente à posição. No que concerne ao tipo de autoridade exercido, para as primeiras predominou justiça, compreensão e igualdade em relação aos demais. Para os segundos,esta deve ser democrática, participativa e de aceitação. Conclui-se que não há confluência sobre a autoridade entre gerentes de ambos os países e que sua divergência incide na perspectiva final de suas decisões. DESCRITORES: Gerência; Enfermagem; Instituições de saúde; Diretores de hospitais.
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Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
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