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Title: Semantic Approach for Discovery and Visualization of Academic Information Structured with OAI-PMH
Keywords: the Semantic web;knowledge discover;user profile ontology;ontology merging;OAI - PMH;visualization;info:eu-repo/classification/cti/5
Publisher: Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
Project: Vol.;14
Description: There are different channels to communicate the results of a scientific research; however, several research communities state that the Open Access (OA) is the future of acad emic publishing. These Open Ac cess Platforms have adopted OAI - PMH (Open Archives Initiative - the Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) as a standard for communication and interoperability. Nevertheless, it is significant to highlight that the open source know ledge discovery services based on an index of OA have not been developed. Therefore, it is necessary to address Knowledge Discovery (KD) within these platforms aiming at studen ts, teachers and/ or researchers , to recover both , the resources requested and th e resources that are not explicitly requested – which are also appropriate . This objective represents an important issue fo r structured resources under OAI - PMH. This fact is caused because interoperability with other developments carried out outside their implementation environment is generally not a priority (Level 1 "Shared term definitions"). It is here , where the Semantic Web (SW) beco mes a cornerstone of this work. Consequently, we propose OntoOAIV, a semantic approach for the selective knowledge disco very an d visu alization into structured information with OAI - PMH, focused on supporting the activities of scientific or academic research for a specific user. Because of the academic nature of the structured resources with OAI - PMH, the field of application chosen is the context information of a student. Finally, in order to validate the proposed approach, we use the RUDAR (Roskilde University Digital Archive) and REDALYC (Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal) repositor ies, which imple ment the OAI - PMH protocol , as well as one s tudent profile for carrying out KD.
Other Identifiers:
Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:Producción

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