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Title: Condiciones de producción en la floricultura del Estado de México: ¿hacia la competitividad y la sustentabilidad?
Keywords: flower growing;productive units familiar;sustainability;info:eu-repo/classification/cti/6
Project: Vol.;XIX
Description: In Mexico, the flower growing centers in the south of the state has been considered as the growth driver and generation of employments, besides the most competitive branch in the country to export flowers. Nevertheless, the present situation does not show these positive awaited effects, since most of them are small units of production with economic and social delays. The aim of this working paper is to study the conditions of production of the small familiar units and their environment. The methodology is based on the analysis of information of Ramirez, Gonzalez and García [2010] and Ramirez [2018] generated by work on field to obtain information of the productive units and their environment. The results show that the productive familiar units do not have the legal constitution, they are small producers due to number of employees and cultivated surface, without professionalization of the administration, production and commercialization. In addition, the living conditions do not have important improvements and the sustainability is not present because of social, economic and environmental deteriorations. One concludes that the competitiveness based on gaining markets without a major well-being of people in consequence will not be sustainable in social, economic and environmental dimensions. It is said that the international competitiveness is getting lost since one has not given support to the producing families.
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Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:Producción

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