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Title: Importancia de la comercialización del café en México
Keywords: Comercialización de cafe;produccion de cafe;problematica de cafe;info:eu-repo/classification/cti/6
Publisher: ECORFAN
Project: ;607-8324 Número de Control HCESH: 2015-01 Clasificación HCESH (2015): 081015-0101; 
Description: The international coffee market behavior has no competition, and in the absence of economic clauses of the International Coffee Agreement, prices are not determined solely by supply and demand, but by the oligopolistic power of international corporations (Palomares, et. al., 2012). In Mexico, coffee production is considered as a key strategic activity, because it allows the integration of productive chains, generating foreign exchange and jobs, the livelihood of many small producers and around 30 indigenous groups and, recently, of great ecological significance, as more than 90.0% of the area cultivated with coffee is under diversified shade, which helps to preserve biodiversity and vital as a provider of environmental services to society. Despite its importance, the coffee sector has been involved in recurrent crises by falling prices in the international market. Organic coffee and fair trade are alternatives to continue to use coffee as an axis of community and regional development. This production will have a far greater potential to trigger or enroll in broader rural development processes (Palomares, et. al., 2012). Coffee is a growing social and economic importance to Mexico. Coffee production has great relevance for the country, a fact reflected in the following: 349,701 production units (UP), according to the Census, 509,817 producers as FC; 680,000 hectares planted with this species where they work 486.339 heads of families, an average production of 4.7 million bags of 60 kilograms; sixth largest producer and second in organic production, after Peru; It generated 4.5 million jobs, and is produced in 960 municipalities, although it is important only 236 of them in 15 states of Mexico (INEGI, 2007). Based on the above, the objective of the study was to analyze the importance of the marketing of coffee in Mexico. According to Robles (2011), any coffee promotion policy must necessarily be associated with a policy that considers both forms of organization such as the needs and concerns of indigenous peoples. That is, the policy of promoting coffee must be linked to the needs and concerns of the indigenous population, otherwise, will not have positive results.
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Rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:Producción

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