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ListarFACULTADES por materia "Karyotype"

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  • Arzate-Fernández, Amaury-Martín; Arroyo-Martínez, Hugo-Abelardo; Barba-González, Rodrigo; Piña-Escutia, José-Luis (Taylor & Francis Group, 2017-11-15)
    Tigridia pavonia Redouté (Iridaceae) is a species with great ornamental potential of which nine diferent varieties are known. Among them, Tigridia pavonia var. Dulce presents the lowest seed formation. Despite this, there ...
  • Arzate-Fernández, Amaury-Martín; Arroyo-Martínez, Hugo-Abelardo; Barba-González, Rodrigo; Piña-Escutia, José-Luis (Journal Caryologia, 2017-06-05)
    Studies of the genus Tigridia Jussieu show that there is inadequate cytological information, and variable basic numbers and karyotype features have been reported. To have more accurate karyotypic information within the ...

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