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Listar Científica por autor "0e989a34-a3b4-4a55-b68f-2d2d2d6ad7e3"

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  • Hoyos, Leidy; Mesa, Monica; Ramirez, Alejandro; Vigueras-Santiago, Enrique; López-Téllez, Gustavo (Jesús García-Serrano, Ana Ma. Herrera-González, Juan Coreño-Alonso and Edgar Cardoso-Legorreta, 2014-06-03)
    The use of aniline as carbon source has two advantages for the synthesis of carbon materials exhibiting conducting properties: the aromatic ring contributes to the graphitic character and the presence of nitrogen could ...
  • Blanco Flores, Alien; Toledo Jaldin, Helen Paola; Vilchis Nestor, Alfredo Rafael; López Téllez, Gustavo; Sánchez Mendieta, Víctor; Ávila Marquez, Delia (Elsevier, 2020-05-11)
    Fe-Cu oxides nanoparticles (Nps) were embedded in two steel slag wastes (SSB and SSW) to develop SSB/ 33 Fe-Cu and SSW/Fe-Cu nanocomposites. Nps with mean sizes between 10–20 and 6–10 nm on SSW and 34 SSB, respectively are ...
  • Moreno Marcelino, José Encarnación; Gutierrez Segura, Edith; Vilchis Nestor, Alfredo Rafael; Castro Longoria, Ernestina; López Téllez, Gustavo (Elsevier Ltd, 2020-06-10)
    Shape memory hybrids (SMH) have drawn significant attention because they allow an easy alternative for the design of shape memory materials with tailored properties or features. In this work, a shape memory hybrid was made, ...

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