Listar Científica por autor "7f21d5af-b00e-480b-833f-09a0a4c58fa7"

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  • Vernon-Carter, Eduardo Jaime; Alvarez-Ramirez, José; Bello-Pérez, Luis Arturo; Reyes, Isabel; Hernández Jaimes, Carmen (Food Hydrocolloids, 2019-05-01)
    Gelatinized native corn starch dispersion (GSD, 5g/100 mL water) was diluted with ethanol/water mixtures (EWM, 0.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 ml ethanol/ml water) to a final concentration of 2.0 g GSD/100 mL EWM. The different ...
  • Vernon-Carter, Eduardo Jaime; Alvarez-Ramirez, José; Bello-Pérez, Luis Arturo; Reyes, Isabel; Hernández Jaimes, Carmen (Starch, 2019-09-17)
    The role of endogenous protein in the formation of spray-dried taro starch spherical aggregates is studied in this work. Taro starch dispersions (30 g per 100 mL water) are added with different protease concentrations (0.0, ...

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