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dc.contributor.author kazemi, mehdi
dc.contributor.author Alizadeh Ghavidel, Alireza
dc.contributor.author javadi, leila
dc.contributor.author Zohrevand, Mohammad
dc.contributor.author E. ODONGO, NICHOLAS
dc.contributor.author Zeidan Mohamed Salem, Abdelfattah
dc.creator kazemi, mehdi;#0000-0002-2157-4498
dc.creator Alizadeh Ghavidel, Alireza;#0000-0001-5013-0039
dc.creator javadi, leila;#0000-0002-9790-7594
dc.creator Zohrevand, Mohammad;x1242215
dc.creator E. ODONGO, NICHOLAS;x1232734
dc.creator Zeidan Mohamed Salem, Abdelfattah; 274697
dc.date.accessioned 2017-11-15T01:22:14Z
dc.date.available 2017-11-15T01:22:14Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.issn 0959-6526
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11799/67736
dc.description.abstract The generation of poultry slaughterhouse waste from poultry production is not only unavoidable but the amount and kinds of waste can cause environmental problems. In the present study, the potential rumen digestion of poultry slaughterhouse waste which consists of protein-rich organic residues was evaluated. The chemical composition, amino acid profile and Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System fractions of these wastes was determined. Rumen digestion of poultry slaughterhouse waste was compared with two common protein sources (fish meal and roasted soybean). Three poultry slaughterhouse waste samples were collected from industrial poultry slaughter-houses and the in situ degradation was done using rumen cannulated sheep. The protein (50e63%), ether extracts (18e27%) and ash (9e15.5%) contents of different poultry slaughterhouse waste samples were different (P < 0.05). Methionine and lysine contents were similar among different poultry slaughterhouse waste sources. Difference were observed for cystine (1.2e1.7%), threonine (1.9e2.2%), arginine (3e3.5%), leucine (3.5e4.1%) and valine (2.8e3.3%) (P < 0.05). Ruminal degradation rate for dry matter, organic matter and protein were different among poultry slaughterhouse waste, fish meal and roasted soybean. The degradation parameter for protein degradation was 76% for poultry slaughterhouse waste, 79% for fish meal and 98% for roasted soybean (P < 0.05). Results revealed that there was great variation in chemical composition, protein fractioning, and amino acid profiles of different poultry slaughterhouse waste sources. Poultry slaughterhouse waste is slowly-degraded protein in the rumen and thus can be an economical and rich source of rumen undegradable protein in ruminant nutrition. This implies that the use of poultry slaughterhouse waste in ruminant nutrition has a huge potential as a cleaner product of animal feeding and prevention environmental pollution. However, further studies are warranted to evaluate the digestibility of poultry slaughterhouse waste amino acids escaping the rumen into the intestine in ruminants and to compare the biological values for the amino acids in these waste material with common ruminant feedstuffs. es
dc.language.iso eng es
dc.publisher ELSEVIER es
dc.relation.ispartofseries No.;145
dc.rights openAccess es
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0
dc.subject Research Subject Categories es
dc.subject.classification CIENCIAS SOCIALES
dc.title Use of poultry pre-cooked slaughterhouse waste as ruminant feed to prevent environmental pollution es
dc.type Artículo es
dc.provenance Científica es
dc.road Dorada es
dc.ambito Internacional es
dc.audience students es
dc.audience researchers es
dc.type.conacyt article
dc.identificator 5

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  • Título
  • Use of poultry pre-cooked slaughterhouse waste as ruminant feed to prevent environmental pollution
  • Autor
  • kazemi, mehdi
  • Alizadeh Ghavidel, Alireza
  • javadi, leila
  • Zohrevand, Mohammad
  • Zeidan Mohamed Salem, Abdelfattah
  • Fecha de publicación
  • 2017
  • Editor
  • Tipo de documento
  • Artículo
  • Palabras clave
  • Research Subject Categories
  • Los documentos depositados en el Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México se encuentran a disposición en Acceso Abierto bajo la licencia Creative Commons: Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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