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dc.contributor.author H. Ahmed, Mohamed
dc.contributor.author Zeidan Mohamed Salem, Abdelfattah
dc.contributor.author hassan, hassan
dc.contributor.author Kholif, Ahmed E.
dc.contributor.author Klieve, Athol
dc.creator H. Ahmed, Mohamed;#0000-0001-8045-6996
dc.creator Zeidan Mohamed Salem, Abdelfattah; 274697
dc.creator hassan, hassan;#0000-0002-6166-1342
dc.creator Kholif, Ahmed E.;#0000-0003-0472-4770
dc.creator Klieve, Athol;#0000-0001-9554-3697
dc.date.accessioned 2017-03-14T23:35:11Z
dc.date.available 2017-03-14T23:35:11Z
dc.date.issued 2015-06-23
dc.identifier.issn 1871-1413
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11799/66031
dc.description The mixtureof A.nummularia and A.saligna (1:1 DM)was autoclaved(TuttnauerUSACo.Ltd.,NY,USA)at121 °C and1.5psi for 15mintodestroyanymicrobes.Thecontentwasallowedto cool andlaterinoculatedwiththesporesof T.reesei at arateof 40 mLofthesporesuspensioncontaining107 spores permL/kg DM ofautoclaved A.nummularia and A.saligna mixture. Thein- oculatedsubstrateswerethenincubatedatambienttemperature for 10days.Bytheendoftheincubationperiod,theforageswere fullycoveredwiththefungus.Theywerethenovendriedat70 °C in aforcedairdryingoven(CascadeTEK’s ModelTFO-10,OR,USA) for 24hsoastostopfungalgrowthandpreventfurtherdena- turationofproteins. es
dc.description.abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate whole substitution of Egyptian berseem hay (Trifolium alexandrinum) with a mixture of Atriplex nummularia and Acacia saligna (1:1 DM) in the diet of Barki lambs for 70 days. Thirty six lambs (27.0±0.89 kg initial BW) were divided into four treatment groups of nine lambs each and fed: (1) the Control group with no substitution (70% concentrate mixture and 30% berseem hay, DM basis), (2) A. nummularia and A. saligna mixture without fungal treatment (treatment group AU), or (3) Trichoderma reesei treated A. nummularia and A. saligna mixture (treatment group AF), or (4) A. nummularia and A. saligna mixture supplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 0.5 g/kg DM of feed (treatment group AS) replaced 100% of berseem hay in the diet. Live-weight change, rumen fermentation parameters, blood chemistry, carcass characteristics and intestinal histology were investigated. Significant (P<0.05) interactions occurred between diet and period for feed conversion efficiency and blood serum urea. Lambs in the AS treatment consumed less (P<0.05) feed than lambs in the AF treatment, with no difference between the other treatments (P>0.05). Lambs fed AF and AU diets had lower (P<0.05) feed conversion efficiency than lambs fed the AS and Control diets. Lambs fed AF and AS had increased (P<0.05) volatile fatty acid production compared to Controls. Blood albumin and urea concentrations increased (P<0.05) with lambs in AS treatment compared to lambs in the other treatments, while lambs fed AF had lower (P<0.05) cholesterol and glucose concentrations compared to the Controls. The AS lambs had the highest (P<0.05) dressing percentage. Decreased intramuscular fat weights were obtained with lambs fed halophytes compared to Control lambs. Histology of the ileum, sub mucosa and Peyer's patches were normal in all lambs. In conclusion, untreated halophyte mixtures of A. nummularia and A. saligna (at 1:1 DM) can be substituted for berseem hay without negative effects on performance while treatment with S. cerevisiae may improve performance and, like T. reesei, change certain biochemical responses. es
dc.language.iso eng es
dc.publisher ELSEVIR es
dc.relation.ispartofseries Vol.;180
dc.rights openAccess es
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0
dc.subject Acacia es
dc.subject Atriplex es
dc.subject Fungus es
dc.subject Halophytes es
dc.subject Lambs es
dc.title Influence of Trichoderma reesei or Saccharomyces cerevisiae on performance, ruminal fermentation, carcass characteristics and blood biochemistry of lambs fed Atriplex nummularia and Acacia saligna mixture es
dc.type Artículo es
dc.provenance Científica es
dc.road Dorada es
dc.organismo Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia es
dc.ambito Internacional es
dc.audience students es
dc.audience researchers es
dc.type.conacyt article
dc.identificator 6

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  • Título
  • Influence of Trichoderma reesei or Saccharomyces cerevisiae on performance, ruminal fermentation, carcass characteristics and blood biochemistry of lambs fed Atriplex nummularia and Acacia saligna mixture
  • Autor
  • H. Ahmed, Mohamed
  • Zeidan Mohamed Salem, Abdelfattah
  • hassan, hassan
  • Kholif, Ahmed E.
  • Klieve, Athol
  • Fecha de publicación
  • 2015-06-23
  • Editor
  • Tipo de documento
  • Artículo
  • Palabras clave
  • Acacia
  • Atriplex
  • Fungus
  • Halophytes
  • Lambs
  • Los documentos depositados en el Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México se encuentran a disposición en Acceso Abierto bajo la licencia Creative Commons: Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

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